Broadmead Lower School

Belonging, Learning, Succeeding

Park Crescent, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK43 9NN

Tel: 01234 768318




At Broadmead our School Council is made up with four representatives from each Key Stage 2 class and two representives from each Key Stage 1 class. The children are elected each year by their classmates.

We meet about once a month and talk about our ideas and ways we can make our school even better. As a school we value the voice the children have and their ideas.

Raising money:

Our School Council has organised events to in raise money for Children in Need and Comic Relief.

Coming up with ideas:

This year the School Council have been involved in collecting ideas on new equipment for lunchtimes and setting the rules for play-leaders. The school council had also looked at the behaviour policy and made suggestions on how they feel the reward system could be improved.

The School Council also organised and ran the ever popular Broadmead's Got Talent!