Broadmead Lower School

Belonging, Learning, Succeeding

Park Crescent, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK43 9NN

Tel: 01234 768318


Governors Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct sets out the commitment and responsibilities for behaviours and actions,

required from school governors. The Code is based on the NGAs (National GovernorsAssociation) Code

and there is a general expectation of standards and principles of behaviour which are acceptable. It is

good practice for the Code to be reviewed from time to time.

Governing Body, General

In order for the governing body to achieve the best possible outcomes for all the children and to fulfil

their statutory responsibilities, the governing body will operate according to the following principles:

  • Set the strategic direction of the school by determining the character, aims, objectives, ethos and values of the school.
  • Alongside the head teacher, develop the policy framework to achieve the aims and objectives.
  • Set statutory targets and help the school to provide the best education for each of its pupils and to enable them to achieve the highest standards of achievement.
  • Through relevant policies and procedures ensure that the school is a safe environment for all pupils and staff.
  • Agree strategies for school improvement, including approving the budget and agreeing the staffing structure.
  • Acknowledge that the day to day running of the school and the implementation of plans and policies of the governing body, is the responsibility of the headteacher and senior leadership team.
  • Act as a critical friend to the head teacher and school. This means supporting and challenging, it means monitoring, reviewing and evaluating and offering support, constructive advice and a sounding board.
  • Ensure accountability to all stakeholders – pupils, parents, community, local authority, diocese and so on. This accountability relates to safeguarding, standards, school improvement, the budget and making appropriate information available to the stakeholders.
  • Regularly monitor and review the performance and activities of the governing body.

The Role of the Governor

The office of governor involves a commitment of time and energy to the role. The individual governor

acknowledges that:

  • The governing body is a corporate body, therefore no governor can act on his/her own without proper authority from the full governing body.
  • As part of that corporate body, the responsibility for all decision making is carried equally amongst all governors.
  • Governors accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the governing body and therefore do not speak against majority decisions outside the governing body meeting.
  • He/she has an awareness of and accepts the Nolan principles of public life.
  • Governors may be appointed by different bodies ( parents, staff, local authority community, foundation ) but the ultimate aim and concern of all governors has to be the welfare of the school as a whole.
  • All governors must declare openly and immediately, any conflict of interest arising from a matter before the governing body or from any aspect of governorship.

All Governors - Commitment

Acknowledging the significant time and energy commitment involved all governors will:

  • Make every effort to attend meetings and where this is not possible explain in full and in advance.
  • Accept a fair share of the responsibility of the workings of the governing body and its committees.
  • Take or seek opportunities to enhance his/her effectiveness as a governor through participation in training, development programmes and increasing his/her knowledge of the school.
  • As a result of self review and areas for development identified, organise training for the governing body as a whole.
  • Ensure that any visit to school will be arranged in advance with staff and conducted according to the Governor School Visits Policy.


Governing bodies can succeed or fail on the strength of relationships. The principle working

relationships are with each other and the head teacher, but accountability to stakeholders ensures that

there are other relationships which need to be cared for. Essentially the governing body:

  • Must strive to work as a team, promoting constructive working relationships.
  • Will encourage the expression of views openly and an environment where every governor feels confident to participate in discussions and feels listened to.
  • Ensure that the chair of governors facilitates good discussions and challenges any governor who becomes aggressive or tries to dominate.
  • Discuss and review succession planning within the governing body to promote and preserve good relationships within the framework of the governing body.
  • Will support and challenge in equal proportions, the headteacher and senior leadership team in a courteous manner.
  • Will respect and acknowledge time, effort and skills from all members of the governing body and staff at the school.
  • Will accept that differences of opinion may arise in discussions, but when a majority decision is made this should then be accepted by all governors.
  • Follow good practice and procedures in communications, to actively develop effective relationships with the staff, the parents, the community, the local authority and other relevant agencies.


There are times during governing body meetings where discussions or information given, is

confidential. These instances may or may not happen frequently and usually the chair of governors or

head teacher will remind governors of the need for confidentiality. This is an important area of

governance where governors need to:

  • Observe confidentiality when matters are deemed so, or when matters concern specific members of staff or pupils.
  • Exercise the greatest prudence at all times when discussions regarding school business arise outside a governing body meeting – and in particular when using social networking sites (see below).
  • Regard all discussions made when reaching decisions, as confidential.
  • Never reveal the details of any governing body vote.

Social Networking Sites

We will use social networking sites responsibly and ensure that neither our personal or professional

reputation, nor the schools reputation is compromised by inappropriate postings.

Implementation of the Code of Conduct

  • It is essential that all governors within this governing body are aware of and understand each section of the Code of Conduct.
  • It is essential that the governing body accept and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. This agreement must be recorded, signed by the chair of governors and dated.
  • If any governor breaches the Code then the governing body will discuss the breach and take action if necessary. ( Action might be a warning, or possibly a suspension )